
3 Tips for Japanese Companies Employing Talent from Myanmar

In the ever-expanding global markets, Japanese companies have a unique chance to tap into the diverse talents of Myanmar. With a burgeoning workforce and a rich cultural heritage, Myanmar offers an enticing opportunity for Japanese companies in search of top-tier professionals. But what factors need to be considered when hiring from other countries? In this article, Clover Mandalay will share the hiring tips every Japanese company should know.

1. Understand Cultural Nuances

Even in different regions of the same country, cultural traditions are often different from each other. Therefore, it is necessary to know that cultural customs are often different between countries. Myanmar boasts a vibrant culture, and its people are known for their enthusiasm and generosity. They are polite to elders, respect the younger, value honesty, and tend to live harmoniously. There may not be significant differences in cultural alignment, as Myanmar's culture often bears similarities to that of Japan. That's why Clover Mandalay also helps trainees who want to go and work in Japan to learn about Japan's culture, including how to communicate, how to interact, and the ethics of work they have to obey in every workspace. 

2. Address Language Barriers

For success in the international workplace, language is the most important skill. Without mastering the language, misunderstanding can happen while working in the workspace and there can be many errors and delays. When hiring foreign workers, Japan should assess their language skills based on their work location, regardless of the nature of their job. Only those who have attained a certain level of proficiency in the Japanese language, both in business and general communication, should be employed in Japan. Clover Mandalay consistently provides language training to all its trainees to ensure they are proficient in the language, as this will be beneficial for the workers. From interview sessions to entering the workspace, Clover Mandalay always ensures not to have language barriers, to build mutual convenience in mind. Always teaching how to sound more professional in greeting, to communicate efficiently, to obtain good manners, and to follow rules and regulations in the workspace, with these instruction methods, students who get jobs in Japan have a good reputation as always.

3. Be Aware of Legal and Administrative Guidelines

Recruiting and employing employees from Myanmar requires work permits, You also need to be sure of the legal and administrative aspects, including visa and immigration regulations. It is also important for Japanese companies to be familiar with the legal requirements regarding the employment of foreigners for business. Ensuring compliance with all relevant laws and regulations will not only reduce legal risks but will also lead to a smooth and efficient process for Myanmar employees to enter the workplace. Mistakes when recruiting trainees at Clover Mandalay; We are constantly taking care to avoid any mistakes, and we are always called to verify, so we can create a safe situation according to the law. Ensuring that there are no disputes between the employer and employee, Clover Mandalay is an agency that you can trust with confidence. 

These are the things you need to know when recruiting foreign workers alongside employment organizations in Japan. By implementing these recommendations, let's build an inclusive work environment and develop top talent together with Clover Mandalay for global success as Japanese companies.

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