
7 Facts You Need To Know Before You Recruit Employees From Myanmar

When you want to recruit employees from Myanmar, you need to have a knowledge about the nature, morality of both the Myanmar Agency and Myanmar Employees. By doing this, you can create a strong working-relationship with Myanmar employees and the Japanese agencies that call for work can also gain a good reputation. So, Let Clover Mandalay share the facts you need to know before hiring employees from Myanmar. 

Working Experience and Tenure of the Agency to be Partnered With

As for the Japanese side, when you want to recruit Myanmar employees, you should work with the agencies which are well-experienced and have successfully transported workers. In addition, you should also check whether the hiring processes are valid or not carefully. 

Whether Approvals and Licenses Are in Place

It is advisable for Japanese companies to verify if the agencies are authorized to recruit personnel and if the appropriate Myanmar government has issued the licenses. 

The Operations Process and Well-Qualified 

And the next thing is that companies should check these facts for an agency too.

-Labor recruitment process and deliverable efforts

-The number of workers the agency has delivered

-After that deliverable process, whether there are any problems or not. 

The Behavior of Myanmar People

Burmese people are proud of their culture and history and are responsible and disciplined in their work.

Hard Work and Patience

Burmese people are extremely diligent and patient, always striving to do their best and believe in the improvement of job prospects.

Culture and Empathy

As a tradition and culture, Burmese people are sympathetic to each other, they respect compassion and are warm-hearted and also respect Japanese culture and attitudes.

Morality and Dignity

Burmese people have good morals, they are people who perform their duties, have responsibilities well, and do their work flawlessly and accurately.

With this knowledge and collaboration with Myanmar recruitment agencies, things will work out smoothly and Japanese businesses will be able to hire skilled employees.

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